PhenoTips for Oncology

One complete solution.

Simplify oncological patient care with PhenoTips' complete solution for cancer genetics.

5x fewer

tools in your workflow.

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Hospital Features

Goodbye redundancy, hello efficiency.

Ditch tedious, unnecessary labour for stream-lined continuity at every step of the patient journey.

  • Submitting paient questionnaire form in PhenoTips
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Save time during the first patient encounter. Increase efficiency by up to 50% by sending your patient a survey that auto-draws their pedigree.

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Never enter the same information twice. Embedded directly into your clinic’s electronic health record, information is shared between patient charts and PhenoTips automatically.

Over 95% of users agree PhenoTips is the best pedigree drawing software they’ve used.

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Streamline cancer risk assessments of Gail, IBIS, and other models into a simple click of a button, saving up to 30 minutes wasted with redundant family data re-entry.

Patient care, not paperwork

Reclaim hours wasted weekly on redundant paperwork. Invest your time in patient care instead.

PhenoTips allows us to click a button and save anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes in extra work.

- Scott Weissman, MS, Cancer Service Lead Genetic Counselor, Genome Medical, San Francisco, CA, USA
Read the Case Study

Discover the complete solution for cancer genetics

Our medical genetics suite is customized to your Oncology needs with additional cross-department functionality.

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