PhenoTips Enterprise Feature

Seamless Integrations

Empower seamless, quality care. Unite your systems with a single sign-on by integrating your complete suite for medical genetics with any Electronic Medical Record, Laboratory Information Management System, Variant Prioritization tool, or Matchmaking system, regardless of the make or model.

Security and governance

Secure your workflow

Genetic information is uniquely sensitive, and EHRs are not designed to share it securely. Replace error- and breach-prone data transfers with secure, HIPAA and GDPR compliant inter-system communication.

more secure

than your existing workflow

PhenoTips being accessed from within an Electronic Health Record. The imbedded PhenoTips instance is used to start a pedigree without leaving the Electronic Health Record. Laptop computer
Faster diagnosis

Power genomic analysis

When integrated with Variant Prioritization Tools, PhenoTips’ deep phenotyping capabilities and standardized family history information improve genomic analysis for faster and more accurate diagnoses.

up to
of the time

the top 5 pathogenic variants are correctly identified

 Human Phenotype Ontology coded phenotypes being added to nodes in a pedigree. Once added, phenotypes are dragged and dropped onto other nodes in the pedigree.
Curated, codified, and computable data

Share high quality, accurate data

Replace the messy, inaccurate, and unshareable data locked in your Electronic Health Record with error free, interoperable data stored in gold standard terminologies.


global interoperability standards

patient record being shared with a matchmaking database Laptop computer

Become a leader in interoperability standards

PhenoTips is a leader in interoperability standards, and as a result, all PhenoTips users are early adopters of global standards, promoting and advancing international collaborative efforts in genetics.

Pedigree standards

Currently, there is no standard format for pedigrees that enables interoperability of family history between systems, but, as the co-lead of the GA4GH pedigree standard working group, PhenoTips CEO Orion Buske is in the process of developing one.

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PhenoTips’ ability to integrate seamlessly with various hospital systems is facilitated by the use of RESTful APIs, HL7v2, & FHIR, allowing information to be written into PhenoTips as well as pushed to the intended system.

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As an early adopter of interoperability standards, PhenoTips is constantly implementing the latest standards for sharing genetic information, such as Phenopackets.

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The Human Phenotype Ontology

As the first software tool to implement the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) for research and clinical use, PhenoTips leverages the HPO to facilitate collaboration, matchmaking, and more.

Integrate your workflow

Discover your genetics workflow unified for seamless communication between systems

Book a demo